Company CIN: U80100GJ2019NPL108202
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At KrishiMandir, we have built a voice bot that is capable of understanding a wide range of agricultural related vernacular, voice queries. Farmers like communicating over voice rather than text and very few use third party apps other than Whatsapp. The voice bot is housed in Whatsapp, triggered through vernacular voice queries and is integrated with CRMs that we have built for agro input companies, agro retailers and non-profits. This enables them to better engage and service their farmer clients, resolve product related queries and promote their products or service in front of the user. The client pays us through a platform and transaction fee as well as through different services/APIs that are used. Integrating with multiple stakeholders and brands will allow for significant barrier to entry for any other 3rd party as well as ensure cross functional benefits for existing stakeholders.
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