Company CIN: U80100GJ2019NPL108202

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Startup / SSIP Samarth

In early stage it’s hard to avail various supports for innovators among the key needs like :

We are a nascent start-up ecosystem and endeavors like SSIP are primarily trying to build a culture in the state. While the vision and intent to build a progressive ecosystem is set in place due to past two year efforts of SSIP and similar attempts, it’s imperative that we infuse necessary skills and aptitude to achieve it. Towards this goal, SSIP cell at Education department will launch a large scale capacity building programme for all range of stakeholders from individuals to institutions through various curated programs. We will involve best experts in the domain and build capacity of Innovators, Start-ups, Students, faculty members, leadership at institutes, Institutions, Enablers, Auxiliary stakeholder in the ecosystem.

The Capacity building/Saksham programme will be broadly as below

  • IP Support
  • Operation like legal/Accounting
  • Product Design support
  • Product-market linkages with corporates, large industries and others
  • Access/linkages to capital/funds/Grants through single window facility
  • Access/interaction with Government and public sector

This takes huge energy and resource from the early entrepreneur. SSIP is going to create a single point facility center for these key and allied auxiliary needs through its flagship program Start-up Samarth. We need to empanel various individuals, organizations, facilitators and support base along with their prescribed fee and link them with SSIP/I hub from where innovators/start-ups can access them with ease with single window facility. This will reduce the burden from founder/innovator and they can better focus on their work, save time and energy

At i-Hub, a single point Common Facilitation center will work under the initiative of SSIP Samarth which will effectively try to fill the above mentioned gap in the ecosystem. i-Hub and SSIP cell at Education department will reach out to potential pro-bono, at cost, subsidized service providers and others and link at them at the supply side. Innovators and Start-ups will be avail them and pick as per their convenience which will reduce their transaction cost. I Hub will also put full time competent persons responsible for facilitating these through SSIP Samarth initiative. Potential beneficiaries can register on web and mention their needs and based on that linkages can be built.

Programme flow outline with timeline

  • Developing a process note for each of the above six segments
  • Declaration of the initiative
  • Outreach through various modes to various service providers and support organization
  • Interaction and explanation of such endeavor to the interested ones from above
  • Give a letter of engagement/informal on boarding to them in case they are a service provider. On board stakeholders.
  • Engage full time SSIP fellows to directly facilitate some of the above needs through I Hub/SSIP Cell
  • Receive requests from Innovators and Start-ups for support online through i-Hub/SSIP website
  • Processing the request and physical interaction with the teams to understand their exact needs
  • Creating linkages with supply side and forward integration
  • Help creating impact and make some early success stories to attract more
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